Today I will discuss how to graft mango tree. you like it very much.
There are many ways to give a graft mango tree. I will try to discuss all the methods with you.
So that you can easily cut the mango grafting sitting at home.
The main purpose of planting our fruit trees is so that we can collect good and high quality fruits. We do this in two processes
Can do One is sexual reproduction and the other is asexual reproduction. For good quality fruit we have asexual reproduction.
The method or pen is important and this method makes the tree bear fruit very quickly.
You can plant on the veranda or roof. The pen method is relatively simple, the cost is low and the success rate is high.
All you need to do is give a grafted mango tree. A good quality mango sapling is needed, a grafting knife is needed, a blade is needed,
Polythene will be needed, polythene ribbon will be needed, twine will be needed.
The best time to a mango grafting tree
May to July is the best time for grafted mango tree.
Humidity is high. Due to which it takes a very early time and the success rate is also high. Eco-friendly and local varieties of seeds.
To be able to make seedlings so that the desired pair can be planted.
Age and Sion selection of stock seedlings
1. It is best if the stock seedling is 9-12 months old.
2. Of course, healthy and strong zion must be selected from the desired mother plant.
3. Sion is best if it is 15-16 cm in length.
4. There should be a dormant twig at the tip of the sign so that it can release the twig very quickly.
5. Care should be taken so that there are no leaves in the sign. If there are leaves then it should be discarded.
6. The leaves should be cut off while the mango cyan is attached to the mother plant and if it is used in the pen after 10 days the pen is very
It takes a couple of hours.
Steps for making stock seedlings
1. It is necessary to collect healthy and vigorous seeds from mature trees.
2. Stock seedlings should be prepared directly in soil or polybags or tubs to your advantage.
3. One seed or sapling should be planted in each polythene bag or tub. The mango tree will be of good quality.
4. When you plant the seedlings, mix the fertilizer with the soil.
5. To get healthy, vigorous and healthy seedlings, weeds, diseases and insects must be controlled. If necessary, the mango trees should be fertilized and irrigated.
6. Now cut the head of the stock tree 2-3 cm long with a knife and cut 2-3 cm obliquely on both sides of the base of the sion in the same way so that it looks like a peg or tilak.
1. Care should be taken after penning so that there is no excess sun or shade.
2. Care should be taken so that light, air or water do not enter the pair.
3. When a new twig emerges from the tree, the polythene cap should be opened immediately so that it gets enough light and air.
4. If the tree pair becomes permanent, the pair of polythene should be removed three months after grafting.
5. Care should be taken so that no type of insects can attack the spiders.
This way you can easily put a pen in the mango tree at home. If you have any information, you can comment in our group or in the comment box. I will try to answer.
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